About Us
We at Magnoliah want to inspire every woman to use natural and high quality hair and skin products to look and feel better.
Magnoliah is part of Moquer.com, a company that has been offering the best men's hair and cosmetic products since 2014. Now it is for a shop that is solely focused on premium and high quality products for women. Looking good and taking care of yourself is important, so that is why Magnoliah Hair and Beauty has been launched in 2023.
Magnoliah is a concept created to help women find very natural and high quality products for your hair and skin. The products on Magnoliah you cannot find easily in a regular supermarket or drugstore. Where possible we offer products that are organic or vegan. That is why we only sells premium products that are being used in salons or used by professional stylists. Combined with a unique presentation and inspiring Social Media, Magnoliah helps to make it easier for women to look and feel good.